
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Well, we have been in Peru for two and a half months, and its been incredible. Every minute of it. Yeah, some days I have wondered if I was going to make it though, but God is so faithful. Having typhoid was not fun, but now that that is gone, life is SOO much better. For a while, it was really weird for me, because I had been sick for so long and felt like I was having to start over as far as getting re-accustomed to things. For example, social interactions with other Spanish speakers were really hard for me, because all I was used to doing was laying in bed. So after about a week or so, I felt back to normal...well I'm not really sure what normal is, but I think its pretty close ;). Anyways, this week has been great. I got some AMAZING care packages this last weekend, and that totally made my week...and my month for sure.

Teaching is just a day by day is everything else in life. Actually its a minute by minute thing. Earlier in the week I got really frustrated because the kids just weren't wanting to learn and I was really having trouble explaining the concept we were learning that day. There was were a couple points in the day when I just wanted to walk right out of the classroom. I went to my intensive English class that I teach at night and I was just pretty frustrated. The hardest thing is that the kids can pick up on what is going on, and they knew that I was not happy about something. Well, the class turned out to be really good and it was so encouraging because I finally saw the kids understand what I was teaching. I think that is one of the most frustrating parts, is trying to explain something, and then them not getting it, but you knowing that it is your fault for not knowing HOW to explain it or what words to use.

Its so different here from anything education wise in America. For example yesterday, school let out an hour early, and the only reason Lauren and I knew (neither of us had classes yesterday afternoon) was because one of my students came up and asked me if we were having English class. I asked her what was going on and why school let out early and she told me that all the professors were having a meeting. And poor Lauren was JUST about to take a much deserved shower and I was supposed to be writing an exam and making copies for my English we get to the meeting, and the meeting is about the environment. Which was really funny because Lauren was like "if this meeting is about being green or something, I'm getting up and leaving!" Hahahah yeah it was about school environment, earth environment, etc. but it was just really funny number one that neither of us knew about it until last minute, and number two because they canceled school to have this meeting. Well, environment is important I am sure....but yeah...

So this blog is taking a couple days to write :) so this next little bit is actually referring to things that happened the same day that the above stuff was written.

Okay, so I went to go teach my class yesterday and when I got there, the director came up to me and told me that I had "bastante cuardernos que necessetan notas." That's prolly all spelled wrong and terrible grammar, but basically that means I had a TON of English notebooks to grade. So thats what I did for the next oh, three or so hours. Fun times. It was really difficult because I could really understand what was going on and what I was supposed to be doing. This sometimes makes things really funny, and sometimes it just makes things really really frustrating. This was one of those frustrating times. But I'm learning that when I don't understand what is going on, it's not just because of the language barrier...I went and asked on of the other teachers what was going on, and she didn't know either.  But a funny part did happen in the midst of this frustrating situation....While I was in the office trying to find notebooks to grade, the PE teacher was also in there. He started talking to me and through a conversation of broken English on his part, and broken Spanish on my part, and through the course of this conversation, I think he tried to get me to go out to eat with him, asked me if I liked to walk on the beach at night (really!??! hahaha) and told me that we should go to Miraflores one was like UM yeah sureeee....I gotta go teach English now. So, I definitely left to go make copies of my exam and then I had class. But whats funny is that on my way back from the copy place, I saw him leaving school...and I definitely had a sweet tea in my hand, so it looked like I just dueced out of our conversation to go get a drink...ooops.  Okay...really do gotta go teach English class now ;) Blog more later.

So more just keeps happening.  As I went to my class after lunch, the welding teacher came in and asked me to explain an English word and then we started talking about school stuff and he strait up asked me if I was a Christian.  Out of nowhere. It was so cool. And he asked me what group or whatever, and I just told him that I believed whatever the Bible says is true, and then I got to share the gospel with him. I told him that I believed and that I believed that Jesus came and died on the cross for us and rose again from the dead. I told him that the only reason that Lauren and I were here was to tell the kids about how to have a relationship with Jesus.

So many opportunities are just flooding us here. Lauren just got finished telling me a little bit ago about a boy that she met on the Cusco trip that came here to the community just to visit her and two other people and she was also able to share Christ with him and give him a Bible (thank you Gayla!!!). So wayy cool things are happening here. Two of my students invited me to have dinner at their house (they live outside the community) and their mom is apparently from California (small world! hahaha) and so I am excited about that. So many things happening.  Again, as Matthew says, the harvest is so huge and the workers are so few....please pray that the Lord will send more workers.

Lauren and the boys after Bible study

Lauren, Milagros, Me
The boys and me

After Bible study...and apparently showers too hahaha.

This was sooo funny...I taught them the names of the clothes in class and then had them dress up. Lots of laughs.
The boys...

One of the activities during Bible study. 
This little  girl tried to jump off the roof into the street. She had to sleep in the volunteer house so that we could keep an eye on her. She started out in Laurens bed and then decided to move to mine. We got about 5 hours of sleep, but she didn't try to escape, so thats good.

 The weekends we get to spend in Lima are always such an encouragement and provide a fresh breath of air. Yummy food, good friends, and beautiful sights.
 Tamales for breakfast?! Are we in heaven??? Ha.

 Manny let me adopt her family for mothers day...we had soooo much fun. I LOVE her family.

And this last picture...well, Lauren didn't want to break the news, but she will be following the footsteps of her dad and opening a dry cleaners here in Peru. The open date is set for tomorrow. Ha.

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