
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Uhhh Huuu!

Well, today was pretty interesting. Actually this whole week has been pretty interesting haha. Okay so yesterday, the Alpacas were gone. Guess what was on the lunch menu yesterday...yep. So also yesterday, Lauren informed me that we did not have school today. I mean its pretty normal not to find out about things until 2.4 seconds before they happen, but I am soo thankful for Lauren cause shes pretty much in the know about things. ha.

Okay so today, school was cancelled because of Earth day. Okay so this is what happened today. They planted a bunch of trees all over the community with one huge tree that they planted at the center of the community known as the ¨peace treeThe kids wrote notes to ¨mother earth¨asking her to forgive them for not taking care of her as they should. The notes were thrown in the hole dug for the peace tree and then a sacrifice of cocoa leaves was made. A boy prayed in Quechua. The tree was placed on top of the notes and I guess all the cocoa leaves and stuff. So yeah. Lot more stuff going on here than we had originally thought...

I spent most of the day in bed trying to recover. I feel fine, but I just dont have a lot of strength. Ill get up and make a cup of coffee and then realize that I need to go lay back downThe medicine that Im taking is pretty strong and it basically wipes out all the bacteria in my intestines, so Im having to take probiotics every 6 hours. 12 more days and I go back to see the doctor for another diagnosis.

 Today was definitely a special gift though. Today was the first day that I have felt well enough to read in bed. I am reading Captivating by Staci and John Eldridge, and the Lord has really been speaking to me about some things in my life. I am reminded that just because I am in a different place, I still have the same problems I had before I left. So today has been for me a lot about dealing with issues from my past that still need to be dealt with. And I dont really want to deal with them, so Im asking God to help me to want to want to deal with them. Because I know they arent just going to go away.

This week has just flown by.


  1. NAncy, by daughter, lauren is in miraflores lima peru teaching at the international christian school of lima. You guys should get together. You and your lauren. She has been there for 2 years now and loves it. she is staying at least one more year.
    Here is her blog:

  2. Lynn, Hey, Lisa, Laurens mom actually told me about your daughter and I would LOVE to get in touch with her. I have tried to skype her and get in touch with her, but I can't seem to catch her. When you talk to her, let her know that Lauren and I go to Miraflores once or twice a month and would love to hang out!

  3. hey, thanks for the response and glad you are feeling better! i will find out from her what is the best way to contact her. One of us will be in touch soon.

  4. hey, do you have an email address? Maybe she could connect with you that way.
