
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Awkwardness...what a surprise.

I have a million things to write's been an amazing week with Lauren's parents here and I've received so much love and good stuff from people back home. But more on that later.

There are some people in this world that are either awkward or that awkward things just happen to. Unfortunately, I can be both. So, I just wanted to share a story involving both of these things...that is still ongoing...
Many of you know that I very often end up in awkward situations with guys, and normally I wouldn’t post about this kind of stuff for the defense of the innocent, but this one situation was just too awkward to let go. So, at the expense of looking awkward or stupid, I am going to tell you.
I don’t really know when this all started, but one day early in the morning, I was walking around the corner of the school, and I fell. Typical. And of course people saw me. Okay yes I’m super clumsy, but on top of that, I am NOT a morning person. Anyways, of course I was hoping that no one saw, but they totally did. Anyways, I just started laughing or whatever and thinking about how ridiculous I probably looked, and some of the other teachers who were around helped me up. Well, anyway, I went on with my day and it was fine. After school, “this teacher”  approached me after school and asked me  if that was me that fell this morning. I answered yes, and then tried to explain that I just can’t walk in the mornings. He couldn’t understand what was wrong with me and I think he thought he thought I had a physical condition. Anyways, he proceeded to talk to me about anything and everything he could think of to bring up, (like it’s not already hard enough in Spanish…let’s add in 5 million topic changes to the conversation…).and finally after about 5 or 10 minutes, the convo ended. So that was that, but I figured something was up...
Before I left for Machu Picchu, he asked me for my email address so I could send him pictures of Machu Picchu, and so I was like “whatever…it’s an email.” So anyways, I went ahead and gave it to him.
About a month later I guess, he caught me at about 8:15 in the morning (remember what I said about mornings) and started asking me if I’d gotten his email that I sent. No, I hadn’t gotten it, but anyways, I got a little confused and I told him that I had…and so first we had that miscommunication. Then, he proceeds to try to ask me out on a date. Did I mention that this conversation was in Spanish? And that its 8:15 on Thursday morning? Thankfully, I had something to do that week, and I couldn’t, so I just told him that I couldn’t because of that.
Well, a couple of weeks after that, Lauren tells me that this same teacher had been chasing her frantically, asking where I was me earlier in the day. She told me she thought there was an emergency by the way he was acting. But no. Well, he “found” me as I was walking along, and casually prceeded to give me this USB stick. I couldn’t quite understand if he was wanting me to put my Machu Picchu pictures on it or if he wanted me to look at his Machu Picchu pictures. But what I did understand is that he said that when I had some time, we could “share” some Machu Picchu pictures. SHADY. Okay, Just shady. What makes it even worse, is that as he’s giving me the USB, he looks me strait in the eyes, and says, “eres hermosa.” I was kind of already walking away before I realized what had just happened. Oh, did I mention that this guy looks like he’s in his late thirties or maybe even early fourties? Okay sooo anyways, I was just kinda like "oh my gosh this is NOT happening..."
So, I’m not going to lie, I was really a little scared to look at the USB  partly because I wasn’t sure what I would find, partly because I hoped that maybe if I hadn’t looked at anything and he asked me if I had, I could tell him no, and he would get the picture.  I also hoped maybe he’d forget about it.
But unfortunately, I was the one that forgot about the USB. Actually, I lost the USB, which is really unfortunate because many Peruvians don’t have a computer and so USBs are very crucial for saving things…plus, they were Machu Picchu pictures, and I wasn’t sure if that was the only copy he had…at least he said they were Machu Picchu pictures…I’ll prolly never know if they really were (thank God).
Well, this whole time I was just hoping that maybe he would just forget about it, but, lo and behold today was the day that it all caught up with me.  Today he was working on the school and he caught me and told me had a question for me. Not only did he ask me for my USB, but he also asked for my computer.  Well, I told him that there was a problem, and that I needed to look for his USB. Well, that didn’t over too well.  He told me he was going to kill me. And then he told me for my punishment that I had to be the Madrina (Godmother) of a classroom. Of course he was half kidding, half serious in all of this, but I knew he wasn’t joking at all when I saw him on the stairs this afternoon and he asked me again if I would be the Madrina of 3C. Yeah, 3C is his class that he is responsible for, so of course we would be working together…imagine that. So anyways, I told him that was fine.  Did I mention this class is one of the classes I don't really look forward to teaching? I’m still figuring out what it means to be the godmother but I think it means that you have to help your kids do some dances and decorate their classroom for the springtime dances that are happening this week...and I think it means too that you have to pay to take them somewhere, but I’m not sure.
Anyways, back to the awkward story of this teacher. So anyways, I am trying to explain to him that I don’t know where his USB is, and after he tells me that he’s going to kill me, he calls me “hija,” which means daughter. How weird. But it just gets more awkward and funny.  So the schedule here is that we teachers have to rotate to the classrooms, and so each classroom of kids stays put.  So anyways, I just end up teaching his “class” that he is the tutor of (which means that he just watches after them if they need anything…he’s not in there when I’m teaching or anything).  So anyways, I told this class that they could have time that we would have spent doing English to work on their dance. So I let them out early, and guess who walks in? Him. So he’s helping them get ready for Juego Floreales or whatever it’s called…springtime celebration... So anyways, he’s come in with all these posters that he’s drawn and the kids are supposed to finish them. So I’m helping them finish them…well he’s out welding on the school and then comes in and looks at what we’ve done…and what happened next was quite unfortunate, because he asked who had done the shading, and one of the kids told him that I had. He immediately gave me that “oh-this-is-great-cause-you-did-it…but-really–not-so-great”…which was kind of a blow to my pride because I was an art major for a little while in college, but apparently my art was not up to his style.  After this, some kids started bringing up the fact that they saw a lady over at his house and they were trying to figure out who it was haha. Oh the awkwardness continues. So now, So at this point in time, I have a USB to look for, and a role as madrina to fulfill.  Oh man...

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