
Friday, December 2, 2011

What I think I look like...What I actually look like...

Ever had an impression of yourself? A not-so-accurate impression or view of yourself? Well, the above picture was meant to be a joke as I was looking over pictures of when we went to Ecuador and remembered us taking pictures on the beach...and thinking how attractive I THOUGHT I looked. Little did I know...attractive was not ANYWHERE on the list...and neither were any other words of the type! 

Ever asked God to give you a TRUE impression of yourself? Like what He thinks of you? I have asked Him recently what He thought of me and it was actually the opposite of what I thought of myself.

He calls me ¨strong woman,¨ when all I see is weakness.
He tells me I am bold when all I see is fear.
He called me beautiful when all all I see is dissapointment and failure.

He called me by name
And I am His

But so many times I run to others first. 
I run to those I can physically touch, 
forgetting the One who loves me most
Is standing right there

And when I come before Him, confessing my faults,
I find a whirlwind of grace
a new life that pours into my soul
as His forgiveness pours through me
and enables me to forgive others.

Take a minute and ask God what He thinks of might just be surprised what He tells you. 


  1. Oh Nancy, you are beautiful, in every meaning of the word. This is wonderful, thank you for this!

  2. Oh wow! Loved this! We have so many lies that try to define us; we need to remember the truth and where our identity comes from. (especially as girls, it just seems SO hard sometimes!) This is an awesome "exercise."

  3. Thanks, T. So sweet. Mary, so true. And it´s not based on feelings, which is sometimes so hard to get over! Thank God that He reminds us who we REALLY are.
